Why should I transfer my website?
Perhaps you current hosting company is going bust or their service is
simply unsatisfactory. Hosting costs are escalating and you may be
seeking a more economical solution. What ever the reason, the solution
is here!
Do I need to transfer ownership of my domain
Transfer of ownership is not required or desired.
To effect a transfer of hosting requires a change to your DNS settings.
We can do this for you or you can log into your domain account and set
this yourself.
Do I need to transfer over hosting and email of
my website?
Transfering is free and seamless and does not affect ownership of your
domain name.
Transfering your site makes it easy for us to update it quickly at your
Once I transfer am I contracted long term?
You retain full control over your domains so you can point them to any
new provider you like at any time.
Realistically - how much is this service going
to cost me ?
On average - £50/yr.
This is based on a regular website with no special features or
For E-Commerce sites with shopping baskets and other complex sites
there may be additional charges.
How long does the transfer take?
Once your website has been prepared and the necessary email accounts
created it will take anything upto 72 hours for your services to
transfer over. This is call 'Domain Propagation'. For details simply
Google 'Domain Propagation'.
Can I transfer back if I find another provider?
You have full control over your domains and can point them to any
hosting provider you like.
Single low cost solution
Sole Trader/SME/Clubs
No minimum contract
99.9% uptime
Two free solutions
1. Contenteditable
2. Cushy CMS
Basic or Comprehensive
Free setup
Free management
.com .co.uk and others
Free setup
Free Management
Multiple email addresses
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